
Company screenings


Product description

When signing a contract with a new business partner, you are faced with several elements of risk. These can directly or in the long run affect the profitability of the business and brand. The risk of not getting the right or complete information and the complexity naturally increases if the contract is written between several countries.

React Risk Advisory offers several levels of corporate due diligences covering most countries. The purpose is to provide a basic understanding of the company. Uncovering deviations that could affect the other party’s ability and intention to fulfill the agreement.

The corporate due diligences consist of gathering and analyzing

  • General company information, such as company name, address, registration date
  • Economic and financial conditions
  • Legal history
  • Ownership structure
  • Current and historical management
  • International sanction lists
  • Reputational check through OSINT

On demand, we also perform confirmation of business activity on site.

There are several benefits of doing a corporate due diligence

  • It provides a good summary of the company's operations and background.
  • Reduce the risk of getting entangled in criminal activity.
  • Ensures integrity during contract process.
  • When signed, agreements are often difficult and expensive to terminate.

A corporate due diligence should be performed

  • Before signing a contract with a new business partner.
  • Regularly on business partners with higher volatility or are associated with higher risks.
  • When doing business with companies from other countries, or before expanding to a new location.

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