
Travel Security


Product description

During business trips, it is the employer's responsibility to prepare employees for the risk environment in which they will be staying and what rules to follow. This applies to both new and previously visited places and it is especially important if larger groups or key people travel.

React Risk Advisory offers both travel security reports and preparatory training for experienced and inexperienced travelers. The purpose is to protect life, health and trade secrets and ensure that the goals of the trip are made possible.

  • Travel security reports are intended to provide a description of the current situation and analysis of the destination's political climate, crime, terrorism together with other risk factors. This is to provide a summary of security risks that may affect the trip.
  • Preparatory courses are offered at several levels depending on regular or future travel destinations and include training in emergency care, basic protection, risk mitigation and travel planning.

React Risk Advisory has significant travel security experience after completing assignments in over 70 countries, with a special emphasis on Africa and the Middle East.

Benefits of working with travel security

  • It is the employer's responsibility to ensure a safe and secure work environment for the employee. Training and information provide good basic protection.
  • Increases the probability that goals of the travel are achieved without disruption or negative consequences.
  • In a remote location or in a location with higher security risks, it is especially important to make necessary preperations. It can be difficult to get emergency help if something happens.

Travel security should be used for

  • Travels to places with a complex or rapidly changing security risk environment.
  • When employees are inexperienced or are going to visit or temporarily live in new locations with a different culture or other local elements. You can often influence your security through your behavior and exposure.

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