


Product description

After incidents or for preventive purposes, an external investigation may be relevant. In some cases, you want to document a damage or loss, after a crime or an accident. Another reason is that you want to handle a given situation with its aftermath. The investigation is then usually caused by suspicions of or incurred criminal acts, such as violent crimes, fraud or extortion.

React Risk Advisory specializes in leading criminal investigations such as fraud, extortion or corruption. We also have extensive experience in investigating security incidents, trademark infringement and whistleblowing reports.

The core is to investigate and determine

  • What happened
  • Where the incidents took place
  • At what times the incident took place
  • Who or what has been involved in the incident
  • Why the incident happened in the way it did, motives and the parties involved

Our methodology is well proven and has been successful in Sweden as well as internationally. When the investigations lead to a police report, this often gives a good overall picture and direction to the authority, who later takes over the investigation.

Upon completion of the project, the investigation is always submitted in the form of a report together with a presentation.

Benefits of conducting an investigation

  • By establishing patterns, causal relationships and motivators during incidents, it often becomes clear what needs to change so that the same situation does not arise again.
  • It may provide an opportunity to claim liability against an actor who has caused damage.
  • Hiring an external investigator ensures that personal connections or relationships do not affect the investigation results.
  • Being able to present an independent investigation increases the business' credibility and ensures integrity.

An investigation should be carried out

  • In case of suspicion of crime.
  • When a crime is discovered.
  • After serious incidents or accidents.
  • To handle a given situation with its aftermath.
  • When a course of events needs to be documented and determined.

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