
Business Continuity Planning


Product description

Business continuity planning is preparing for continued operation of the business's critical processes and functions in the event of interruptions during disruptions, such as disasters or crises. The purpose is to ensure the survival of the business during a critical event and return to (new) normal operation after the event.

React Risk Advisory works with support and guidance in the development and revision of continuity plans. All plans are always adapted to the customer's specific conditions, such as location, scope, level of ambition and organization. Our staff has undergone training in ISO 22301 Business Continuity Planning. This standard is most often used as a guide when we build continuity plans for businesses.

A continuity planning consists of several elements

  • Identification of the organization's tolerance level and risk acceptance
  • Identification of critical processes, assets and personnel
  • Scenario and impact assessment
  • The development of action plans
  • Establishment of management team and mandate
  • Resource supply

Upon completion of the project, a report or continuity plan is always submitted together with a presentation.

The advantage of business continuity planning

  • A contingency plan is established and documented to protect against significant losses, ensure processes and ensure that employees are taken care of in a good way. This can be crucial for the survival of processes or operations.
  • By regularly testing and revising the business continuity plan, you are constantly updated on internal or external changes that may lead to interruptions to the business. This reduces the consequences of the interruptions and ensures the long-term development of the business.

A business continuity plan should be established when the business

  • In whole or in part are exposed to increased risks
  • Has several critical processes which can be affected by external elements
  • Are available in countries with different risk levels and where the difference is political or social instability

Continuity planning should be revised

  • Before an important event
  • After a serious incident
  • In the event of changed conditions that may affect the development of the business

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